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Leadership Coaching Helping You to Build High Performing Teams

Bespoke Personal Development To Drive Your Leadership Success

Leading teams, functions and businesses is a tough, demanding job with constantly changing people and business challenges to overcome. Everyone expects you to successfully navigate these challenges, while ensuring your team is motivated, supported and able to do a great job.

It’s a lonely job when there is no-one looking after you…

One-on-One Leadership Coaching

100% sign brand colours - Leadership Coaching

100% focused on getting you to your best

leadership coaching is confidential

Fully Confidential – nothing discussed will have a negative impact on your career

Experience bespoke personal and professional development

Bespoke personal and professional development for time challenged individuals

Getting the right help, to keep you confident, positive and emotionally energised, without revealing any weaknesses or insecurities to peers and bosses is rarely available internally.

You have come a long way in your career and have built a wide range of very effective skills. One of the biggest barriers to continued success is likely to be you – what you don’t accept about yourself, the hidden insecurities driving unhelpful behaviour, imposter syndrome, and patterns of thinking that are no longer helpful…

Personal & Professional Development

The better you can lead yourself, the more authentically and effectively you lead others

Enhance.coaching leadership coaching framework

Coaching Outcomes to Expect

Leadership coaching is a partnership. We work on you, your approach to leading others and the skills you use to lead others. The quickest, cheapest and most effective way to increase team performance is to improve the effectiveness of its leadership. Better leadership translates into better team performance, which in turn can mean tens of £’000s in profitability gains for small teams and a lot more for larger teams.

Personal Benefits

  • Better understanding of yourself
  • Clearer and new thinking
  • Improved approaches
  • More inner confidence
  • Better stronger relationships

Team Benefits

  • Clearer goals and expectations
  • Higher trust levels
  • Better teamwork & communication
  • Increased ownership and responsibility
  • Improved team performance

Please note – we cannot guarantee these benefits as we do not control the implementation of the changes needed (but you do). We do guarantee we will use all our expertise, without judgement, to help you deliver the best improvement you can.

Your Coaching Partner

Jess Coles -

ENET TickICF Trained Professional Coach and ICF Member

ENET Tick1000’s hours of coaching and mentoring leaders, managers and professionals 

ENET TickPassionate about helping leaders and managers perform at a higher level

ENET TickPrize-winning management career in many top companies and to board level

ENET TickExperience includes corporates, mid-sized, SMEs, turnaround, 100%+ p.a. growth

Jess Coles -
Jess Coles - Prize Winning
Social Media Following - 90000 - coaching
13 promotions in 13 years

Maximise the Ability of Others to Perform at Their Best

Nick Kozlowski Testimonial - leadership coaching
Jasmine Testimonial - Leadership Coaching

Our Coaching Programmes

Some Of Our Corproate Clients

Some of our corporate clients
Corporate Clients - mobile
Rohit testimonial
Gareth Jones Testimonial - Coaching for leaders
Call us

Contact Us: +44 (0) 203 500 6300